2 minute beach clean – spare a few minutes

#2minutebeachclean is a wonderful idea where next time you go to the beach, you spend just 2 minutes picking up litter.

What is #2minutebeachclean?

If you go to the beach, you will have noticed that the problem of marine litter is getting worse. #2minutebeachclean is a simple idea to help clean up our beautiful beaches. Everyone who goes to the beach just takes a few minutes to pick up litter and rubbish which they then dispose of at home or in a litter bin at the beach. Before you throw it away though, take a photo of your haul or create a piece of art from your rubbish. Post the photo on Twitter or Instagram using the #2minutebeachclean hashtag and your photos will appear on their website and hopefully inspire more people to get involved. #2minutebeachclean also give you some useful beach clean safety advice to read before you do your first litter pick up.

The more people who get involved the better our beaches will look and our seas will become a healthier environment for marine animals, who often mistake our rubbish as food. The stomach contents of a dead orca which washed up on a beach recently included used yoghurt pots, old shoe soles and ripped food wrappers.

The 2 minute beach clean is so easy to do and if everyone does it, it will make a huge difference, so please tell friends and family about this and also share on social media.

Next time you're at the beach do a #2minutebeachclean Share on X

Why stop at the coast?

You can do this anywhere you see rubbish and have a few minutes to spare, whether in the town or countryside.

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#2minutebeachclean – further info

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